By Lisa Valentine
Right now it all feels a bit like summer vacation: There are no rules except stay inside and 6 feet away from each other.
Eventually life will go on, but instead of sitting around in our pajamas, competition-eating Twizzlers, it’s probably best if we all stick to some sort of schedule during our COVID-19 (coronavirus) quarantine.
It’s especially important to give kids some structure during this weird and uncertain time. No doubt they’re picking up on your own anxiety, parents, and making things feel a little more “normal” by having a routine can help mitigate that.
Display a basic COVID-19 daily schedule
This daily schedule (author unknown) has been shared around Facebook in recent days and provides a good outline of activities for kids to know what to expect each day your family is quarantined.
I think having a basic schedule including a regular wake-up time and bedtime is important for adults as well because it will help keep your circadian rhythms in check and make eventually returning to a normal work schedule a bit easier.

Take advantage of free online learning resources
If nothing else, I think this experience has made all parents a bit more appreciative of teachers. Instructing young minds is no easy task, but it’s possible to keep the learning going as your kids wait to return to the classroom.
There are a variety of free online education resources available, including BrainPop, Class Dojo and these Coronavirus Relief Packs for preschool and K-5 from Have Fun Teaching, Inc.
Field trip time! Visit zoos and aquariums online
Why not use at-home learning time to explore some of our country’s zoos and aquariums?
Although they are closed at this time, many offer daily Facebook Live events and livestreams where you can check in on the animals and take part in activities at home, including Cincinnati Zoo , home of Fiona the hippo.
You can also virtually visit two of my personal favorite aquariums here: The New England Aquarium and Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.